1. Children Ministry and now planning to have children feeding program.
2. Discipleship training and have a proposed Bible School one of these days.
3. Cell Grouping nightly.
4. Evangelistic services and Crusades.
5. Church Planting and outreaches.
6. Conducting Bible Studies in any occasions:
 (a) - Birth Day Services.
 (b) - Reunion Services.
 (c) - Anniversary Services.
 (d) -
Funiral Services.
Interdenominationally, Speaking engagements:
 (a) - Thanksgiving Celebrations.
 (b) - Conventions.
 (c) -
Wedding Ceremonies.
 (d) - Revivals & Seminars.
Within 15 years
in the Ministry, thousands already have accepted the Lord Jesus as their
savior. This happened through all of these ministries in different places.
At the conclusion of almost every sermon he always challenges the audience
to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord, King and Savior.
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