The work of the Lord sometimes is pending or have a little time because
of the lack of resources especially here in the third world country.
Jesus said, "...The harvest truly is plenteous, but the
labourers are few;..."
Have you found out why labourers are few? Look for the present reasons in our country why few are the preachers:
1. Becuase of economically down. Preachers are lack of training and lack of financial support.
The children of the preachers and the other young people would not gain
interest to become preachers as they know and saw that preachers are suffering of poverty.
2. Because of persecution. This is not so much. But let us consider in the country who have so many terosists, like
what happened in the southern Mindanao. Many missionaries who are afraid to go and preach because of fear.
Just only few who take a sacrifice for the sake of the Gospel and they are the one who need support.